Connecting Home Businesses with Neighbors

Food | Garments | Jewelry

Download the app to start browsing home based businesses near you.

How It Works

Place Your Order
Browse home based businesses near you. Add your favorite products to the cart.
Schedule Pickup
Choose a date and time when you want to pickup the order. Some stores allow booking orders upto 7 days in advance.
Make Payment
Pay online through credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay.
Pickup your Order
Pickup your order at the scheduled time. Your order will be kept ready with no waiting time.

Why Choose KwikPick?

  • KwikPick is an online marketplace focused on home based businesses.
  • Discover local home based businesses, from food, garments, jewelry and more.
  • Safely purchase and reconnect with your heritage or discover new cultures.

Do you own a home based business?

Join KwikPick to reach more customers and grow your business.